Nick Snaith




Nick is a very credible, highly experienced and strategic leader. It’s been a pleasure working with you, learning from you and the wider team.
Adam Honor, CEO of Rose Partners

About Nick Snaith

Nick Snaith tackles organised crime in his sleep. Almost. With a career spearheading major investigations, national policing policies, best practice, security, capacity and capability building of law enforcement, Nick’s word is law. European, Middle Eastern and African governments have worked exclusively with Nick to implement reforms within their police and security sectors. Under Nick’s watchful eye, operations transform into profitable entities and challenging environments change to promote positive cultures through an analytical decision-making approach.

Nick is a former UK Law Enforcement officer with 26 years of experience in investigative and intelligence led policing in the UK and overseas. Nick has investigated on a local, regional, national, and international level, offences of Terrorism and of serious and complex crime, including human trafficking, modern slavery, cybercrime, drugs and firearms importations, child sexual offences and offences of violence such as murder and rape.

Nick has worked within the private sector managing complex workplace investigations that include allegations of bullying, victimisation, and racial discrimination for various public and commercial sectors. He has also chaired Employment tribunals, grievance and appeal hearings.

Nick has been a qualified trainer, assessor since 2010 and more recently as in Internal Quality Assurance. He has delivered operational, tactical and strategic programmes to organisations and governments in the UK and around the world. Nick also currently designs and delivers courses in workplace conflict and talent development within the commercial sector specialising in meditation, investigation skills, team facilitation and leadership development.

Nick is a qualified trainer, mediator, investigator and project manager. He also provides mentoring and support to leaders within the workplace.

At a Glance