Transformative Justice underpins a happy, healthy, harmonious and high-performing workplace.

A modern form of justice

Many people and culture professionals recognise the harm that is created by adversarial and retributive systems of justice. Retributive justice is most clearly viewed through the prism of the traditional discipline, grievance and performance management policies – the focus being on blame, shame and punishment. These HR policies and management procedures are the antithesis of a fair, just, inclusive and sustainable culture – a transformational culture. They sow the seeds of division and they act as incubators for toxicity. Thankfully, as HR transforms into a modern people and culture function, these dreary, broken and tired justice models are being replaced with a more human and humane justice model. We call this transformative justice (TJ).

Transformative justice is an exciting model of justice designed for the 21st century workplace. Developed by David Liddle and tested over many years by the TCM team, TJ blends procedural justice, natural justice and restorative justice. In other words, it is procedurally robust and it delivers accountability, whilst retaining the features of compassion, collaboration and dialogue.

David’s mission was to design blame, shame and punishment out of the workplace justice model. In so doing, transformative justice is contributing to healthier, happier, more harmonious and higher performing workplaces.

How do we support our customers to integrate Transformative Justice?

We support our customers to integrate transformative justice (TJ) across three key areas:

  1. Leadership
  2. Management practices and systems
  3. People policies and processes

We support leaders to integrate transformative justice by promoting a more compassionate and collaborative culture where issues and concerns are resolved via dialogue and positive engagement. By creating a fair, just, and inclusive workplace, and by modelling the right behaviours, our leaders actively create a positive employee experience and a world class customer experience.

We train and support managers to apply TJ when they are managing mistakes, concerns, change, uncertainty, customer complaints and employee conflicts.

Rather than seeking a right/wrong or a win/lose outcome, managers help to develop greater levels of insight, learning and growth. The old systems of retribution are reductive and lead to a fixed mindset. The TJ principles are expansive and lead to a high-growth mindset.

We support HR teams and people and culture teams to rewire their people policies to make them less about blame and punishment and more about generating engaged employees, healthy relationships and productive workplaces. Whilst we always ensure full legal and regulatory compliance, the opportunities for innovation are vast.

We also apply positive psychology to the people policy framework. Out with the cortisol (stress hormone) inducing policies of the past and in with a set of modern people policies which balance the needs of the organization with the needs, capabilities and character of the workforce.

Want to learn more about the power of Transformative Justice?

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